
  UX Design  

 UX Research 

In the workplace it can be hard for professionals to keep up with their activities, connect with other people and keep track of their development - potential affecting general well-being in the long run...Rizom is a virtual coworker that can help professionals manage their performance better, leading to more job satisfaction and enjoyment.

Team members

Jan Hein Hoogstad - CIO
Elisa Otañez - Design Researcher
Daniel Breukelmans - Developer
Stein Fortuin - CEO

Client - Varias

Role - Lead product designer, Art director and Researcher.

Memory system (TMS)

Rizom works in part with an engine behind it called Transactive Memory System (TMS). TMS happens when a team knows everyone’s expertise and knowledge.A Transactive Memory System (TMS) is a system that individuals in teams use to encode, store, and retrieve knowledge.

According to scientific studies, when teams sucessfully develope a strong TMS, they divide the cognitive labor of their tasks, share their expertise, and overall know who knows what.

Researchers have found that TMS manifests in three different ways:

1. Specialisation

2. Credibility

3. Coordination

In order to offer the best suggestions, Rizom starts off with a baseline measurement to get to know your company better.

Baseline Measurements

In order to offer the best suggestions, Rizom starts off with a baseline measurement to get to know your company better.


  • Company performance scoring retreived from Slack data and integrated assessment & management tools.

  • Assessment of company’s initial TMS Score


Rizom works with a human in the loop system, in order to keep improving. With every interaction users can specify their personal preferences to create a bespoke experience.


  • Employees can promote or demote Rizom’s suggestions based on their perceived accuracy and relevance.

  • This feedback creates constant improvements in Rizom’s algorithm.

  • Every sequential recommendation will become more personalized and valuable to the user .


Rizom identifies and verifies valuable knowledge from Slack, and automatically harvests and stores it in the knowledge database.


  • Zoom or click on the droplets to transition between levels of information.

  • Knowledge droplets with different subjects or focuses are always one click or zoom away.

  • List views are always available as an alternative to the zoom interaction.

Knowledge harvested from Slack is compiled into subject files. Content can be reviewed and edited by the expert at any time.


  • Compiled files consist of ‘blocks’ of media, from notes to links to videos.Knowledge droplets with different subjects or focuses are always one click or zoom away.

  • Every block can be edited, dragged and reorganized by the knowledge owner.

  • Blocks can be upvoted, down-voted or commented on by all with access to the knowledge database.


Having agreed on a growth trajectory, Rizom’s career development tool can empower employees to keep developing professionally.


  • Rizom provides visualization of progress and the long-term path towards the desired career goal.

  • Rizom recommends modules and projects that suit the employees’ preferences & goals.

  • Modules & projects can be initiated or requested with a simple dragging action.


Rizom provides an overview of your company’s culture based on chosen values, and offers recommendations on how to improve your culture.


  • Spider chart visualizing the scoring of chosen company values based on data derived form Slack.

  • Results can be filtered to see results for different teams within a company.

  • Scores can be filtered to review different teams over various time periods, providing opportunity to compare results over time.

Interested to know more about Rizom’s wide variety of features and applications?


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